Bursa Archeology Museum

Museum visits are always on our list as indoor activities that are warm in winter and cool in summer. Bursa also has an archeology museum, which is small but has a high period coverage.

Where is Bursa Archeology Museum?

The museum is located in the Reşat Oyal Culture Park. You can reach the museum with the help of signs by entering from different gates of the park. There are also two parking lots for your car very close to the museum.

Those who will come to the museum by metro can get off at the “Kültür Park” stop and reach the museum with the help of signboards.

Is Bursa Archeology Museum Entrance Fee?

There is no fee to enter the archeology museum, you only have to pay this fee if you are going to enter the park by car. Vehicle entry to the Culture Park is 10 TL.

Bursa Archeology Museum Working Hours

The museum is open every day, including Mondays, between 08:00 and 16:45.

Bursa Archeology Museum History

In order to establish a museum, the works were first collected in Bursa Boys High School in 1904 as a branch of the Museum-i Humayun General Directorate and moved to the Yeşil Madrasa in 1930. In 1972, it was moved to the newly constructed building in Reşat Oyal Culture Park, which is its last location. In the museum where artifacts found in Bithynia and Mysia regions are exhibited, BC. There are artifacts belonging to the end of the Byzantine Period from 3 thousand years ago. There are 25 thousand works in the museum, about 2 thousand of them are exhibited.

Among the works exhibited in the museum; Terracotta tomb finds from the Yortan culture, figurines, pots and pans and ornaments from the Antandros Necropolis, the Greco-Persian burial stele, one of the three examples in the world found in the Şükraniye Village of Karacabey, stone artifacts from the Roman Period, Zeus and Heracles depictions of Cybele, bronze busts of Athena and Apollo, and ceramic pots in different forms. A rich stele collection is also exhibited in the garden of the Bursa Archeology Museum, where silver, bronze and terracotta artifacts from the Byzantine Period and gold, silver and bronze coins from the Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods are displayed. Terracotta pots, coins, stone artifacts and glass artifacts found in the region are exhibited in four halls used for display.

Bursa Archeology Museum Periods

Hall I (Miocene Period-Phrygian Kingdom)

Pasalar Fossil Bed finds from the Middle Miocene Period in the borders of Mustafakemalpaşa, Şahinkaya cave finds dating to the Middle Paleolithic Age, artifacts from the Neolithic Age to the Chalcolithic Age, found during the excavations in Bursa and its surroundings, especially in the Aktopraklık Höyük excavations, Bronze Age artifacts, Assyrian Trade Colonies Age, Hittite Civilization. Artifacts belonging to the Transcaucasian Culture, Urartian Kingdom, Phrygian Kingdom and Protogeometric Period are exhibited. In addition, the skeleton of a 30-year-old woman unearthed during the Aktopraklık Höyük excavations is exhibited in the table showcase with the grave finds. In the same hall, there is a model of Aktopraklık Mound.

Stone Works Hall

Bronze Bust of Athena with Bronze Statue of Apollo

The marble and stone works in the museum collection and the bronze Apollo Statue from the Roman Period and the bronze Athena Bust in the Miletepolis Antique City located within the borders of Mustafakemalpaşa district are exhibited. Grave stelae, statues, sarcophagus fragments, ostateks and friezes are among the exhibited artefacts.

Hall II (Archaic Age-Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Period)

Especially the Archaic and Classical Age finds from Antandros Ancient City, Miletopolis Ancient City excavation finds, Ahmetler Necropolis and Bursa Tumulus Hellenistic Period finds are exhibited chronologically. Roman Period glass works and oil lamps are also exhibited in this hall. Metal artifacts, seals, ornaments, toys, medical instruments are among the artifacts exhibited in the table showcases. There is a coin section on the mezzanine floor in the same hall.

Üçpınar Tumulus Car Findings Hall

Unearthed in the salvage excavation carried out in partnership with Bursa and Balikesir Museum in 1988, BC. The tumulus belonging to the Achaemenid Period, dated to the 6th century, has been reconstructed in accordance with the original and exhibited with the finds inside. The finds consisting of wheel fragments and horse harnesses were found in situ in front of the entrance of the burial chamber. A chariot reconstruction of that period made on the basis of the finds, and a total of three pieces, two of which are moulages, belonging to the Persian Sovereignty Period, made in the Greco-Persian style, and located in the Satrapy Center in Daskyleion , which spread all over Anatolia between 545-333 BC. The grave stele is also exhibited in this hall.

Source: https://muze.gov.tr/, photos belong to us.

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