Karacabey Floodplain Forests | Bursa – Turkey

Karacabey Floodplain Forests, one of the three big floodplain forests, is at the point where the Susurluk River, which is formed by the merger of most of the South Marmara streams, flows into the Marmara Sea near Yeniköy. Although the visual of the floodplain forests, which is reached by passing through pleasant village roads, revives in spring, I think it is worth seeing with its different colors every season. We made our first visit in autumn colors.

Another name of longgoz forests is “flooded” forests; As can be expected, the melting snow and rain waters after winter accumulate here. Its formation can be summarized as accumulating incoming alluviums and preventing water from spilling into the sea, and the water returns and overflows the entire forest. When the winter comes, the waves from the sea carry the alluvium and the obstacle is removed and the water accumulated in the forest meets the sea. For this reason, while a wetland and newly-revitalized field plants welcome you to the spring months, a more calm image welcomes you in the autumn months. For this reason, it will be very fun to go and take pictures before and after every season. With this circulation, it initiates the formation of a diversity of living things. There are 300 bird species and dozens of endemic plants in the area, which is thought to be 3000 hectares.

Another characteristic of longgoz is that they simultaneously host the dune ecosystem, forest ecosystem, mountain ecosystem, salt water ecosystem and fresh water ecosystem. It is thought that there are no examples of floodplain forests left in Europe, but another of the larger examples is known as Amazons. Although it is more virgin than İğneada floodplain forests, it was heard that this ecosystem balance was disturbed to the sand alar.

Floodplain forests is of international importance, therefore it is currently protected by wetland regulation.

Our family accompanying us from time to time on our trips. They are one of the biggest supporters of our vegan life.

How to go?

Floodplain forests Forests, about an hour and a half from Bursa, may be less tiring for those coming from Istanbul.

When you exit Bursa in the direction of Izmir Road, you can easily reach the area by following the signs for Karacabey and then floodplain forests.

Although Karacabey floodplain forests are mostly known by bird watchers or freshwater researchers, I think they became a little more heard with the latest Recep İvedik film. The set created continues its life here as a cafe.

It is really pleasing that the floodplain forests has managed to stay partially clean compared to the last places we have seen.

In the spring, when the area is watery, it may be an option to rent a boat and explore the depths of the floodplain forests by water. Do not forget to have a raincoat and choose waterproof shoes for a more enjoyable exploration in autumn and winter.

Is it possible to camp in Karacabey Floodplain Forest?

Yes, camps can be established here, but it is necessary to be cautious because of the wetland structure that changes according to the season. You should choose the camping area you will choose very carefully, and take care to be protected from raid etc. dangers

Linden Forests

This place is also home to the little known Turkey’s largest Linden forest. It can be said that Turkey’s linden warehouse is here. It is said that the linden collected from here was blended with linden imported from different regions or abroad. You can stop by the nearby Bayramdere neighborhood and get the most fragrant linden.

If you want to see what else to see while you are here, you can stop by Çingen Castle in Yeniköy and take a walk on its beach.

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